February 14, 2022

5 Facts About Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an immune condition that affects over 480,000 Australians. Since it affects a significant chunk of the population, it’s important to learn as much as you can about the condition so that you can help other people with it or learn if you need to go to a doctor to check for psoriasis.

There are many different types of psoriasis, but the five most common forms are plaque psoriasis, scalp psoriasis, nail psoriasis, Psoriatic arthritis, and guttate psoriasis. All of these forms may manifest themselves in different ways, but all of them also cause skin irritation that can spell trouble for anyone suffering from the condition.

If you’re looking to learn more about psoriasis and its nature, you’ve come to the right place. In this quick guide, we’ll be looking at five important facts about psoriasis that just about everyone needs to know.

Psoriasis & the Immune System

The first thing to note is that psoriasis is very closely related to your immune system. It’s an immune condition wherein your white blood cells attack healthy and unhealthy cells.

Typically, a person’s immune system’s white blood cells only fight off harmful cells that can damage the body. But with psoriasis, the white blood cells don’t distinguish between harmful and healthy cells, which is what causes the red and scaly patches people may find on their skin when suffering from psoriasis.

Psoriasis Is Chronic

Currently, psoriasis is a chronic condition. This means that there is no known cure for the condition. However, there are different natural treatment options for people.

If your psoriasis is flaring up, you can try out different vegan skincare products, hydrocortisone cream, and other doctor-recommended treatment options to alleviate the symptoms and reduce flare-ups.

You Could Get Psoriasis From Your Genes

While it isn’t the only cause of psoriasis, the condition can be genetic. So, if your parents or grandparents suffer from it, the likelihood of you contracting it in the future is higher. With that in mind, this doesn’t mean that you will surely develop psoriasis if your parents have it, but it does increase your chances.

Psoriasis Isn’t Contagious

While the rashes and flare-ups may be concerning, psoriasis is not contagious. This isn’t a viral disease, so if you have flare-ups, that doesn’t mean you have to stay away from people. With that said, psoriasis also has an emotional toll on patients, which means they might not want to go out during flare-ups because of the condition of their skin.

Psoriasis Comes In Different Forms

While scaly and red patches of skin are the most common symptom of psoriasis, it isn’t the only one. Keep in mind there are many different types of psoriasis, so symptoms may vary from person to person.


There is no current cure for psoriasis, but there are multiple treatments people can use to get it under control and reduce the discomfort that usually comes with the symptoms. If you suspect you have psoriasis or are exhibiting symptoms, schedule an appointment with your doctor to learn more about different treatment options.

The sooner psoriasis treatments are administered, the easier it will be to handle. So, make sure to visit the clinic or schedule a doctor’s appointment at your earliest convenience.